Varicose Veins: Are You at Risk?

By Reeder Vein Institute
July 15, 2016

varicose vein treatmentWhen your veins are swollen, protruding and painful, they are known as varicose veins. Typically found in the legs, varicose veins are more common in women than they are in men. This is generally due to hormonal changes that take place during puberty, pregnancy and menopause. The risk factors for varicose veins can be unclear. You may be more prone to developing them if you have any of the following:

If you have a family history of varicose veins, you’re at greater risk for getting them, as well. In fact approximately 50% of people with varicose veins have a family history. And if both parents have varicose veins, your chances for getting them yourself increases significantly.

When you stand on your feet all day, you’re more likely to develop varicose veins. That’s because the blood in your veins works against gravity to return to your heart. Instead, blood pools in your lower legs, where it sits stagnant. Some occupations that run a higher risk of getting varicose veins are servers, flight attendants, hair dressers and nurses.

Being pregnant is a major trigger for varicose veins. The growing pressure a fetus puts on the abdomen and pelvis puts pressure on your legs, making it harder for your leg veins to carry blood upward. This pressure usually subsides better between 3 to 12 months after delivery, but the varicose veins tend to remain.

Being Overweight
Obesity and excessive weight gain puts undue pressure on your veins, which can ultimately cause varicose veins. And sometimes people who are obese don’t even know they have varicose veins because their veins don’t appear swollen due to excess fat. If left untreated, the pressure in the veins can damage the skin and the lower leg.

Past Surgery or Leg Trauma
It’s possible for your veins or valves to get damaged during leg surgery. And if your legs endure blunt force of any kind, that can also prohibit proper blood flow. Both scenarios can cause varicose veins.

Could you be at risk for Varicose Veins? Contact Reeder Vein Institute.

For more information about preventing or treating varicose veins, contact us today.  You can reach us directly at 682-499-5672 in Fort Worth.  We look forward to hearing from you!




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